Monday, February 16, 2009


Taste is the one sense that most affects our physical appearance. Americans, in particular, are prone to succumb to our taste buds' cravings, which tend to be for the most unhealthy foods (like a Big Mac from McDonald's... Supersize). Our lack of self-control allows taste to dominate our appearance by leading to obesity. We plan intense exercise routines around the holidays in order to be able to fully enjoy a glass of boiled custard, an extra cookie, or second helpings of Christmas dinner. We have a sensuous lack of control when it comes to food. At all costs we desire to satisfy the cravings of taste.

It is interesting how we all seem to have a weak spot for sweets but must develop a taste for things such as wine or vegetables. In her chapter on taste, Ackerman explains that taste buds weaken over time, which accounts for our changes in taste. This phenomenon of the taste buds slowly wearing out is the reason that children so greatly enjoy candy: "Children adore sweets partly because the tips of their tongues, more sensitive to sugar, haven't yet been blunted by years of gourmandizing or trying to eat hot soup before it cools." Therefore pediatricians have lollipops for their patients and grandmothers stow peppermints in their purse when babysitting.

Due to health benefits, my parents have in the last year cut back on their intake of meats and animal by-products. As I was living at home over the summer, I adopted their new eating habits. At first I craved meat or yogurt, but I soon acclimated to the meals that centered around fruits and vegetables. When I came back to school I continued in this type of diet because I quickly noticed the positive effects. Though I still sometimes enjoyed animal by-products, the partial elimination of meats and milk from my diet soon became an easier decision. It is no longer a hard choice for me: meat no longer appeals to me. My taste buds have changed with my dietary choices. I am
pretty revolted by a triple stack cheeseburger from a certain pigtailed redhead...

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